[Talk] Factors of Trust in IoT App Interfaces
Talk presented at UX Camp Brighton on 19/03/16
FACTORS OF TRUST IN IOT APP INTERFACES from Fiona MacNeill on Vimeo. Trust definitions used in this video are from Pavlidis, Islam, Mouratidis, and Kearney (2014).
FAQ: the iPad app that I used for my #IoT talk was @explainevrythng @UXCampBrighton #uxcb16 #appswap https://discover.explaineverything.com/discover/
— Fiona MacNeill (@fmacneill) March 19, 2016
Session description:
Does your app rely on OAuth to offer connection to other apps and services? Based on my research studying app-to-device relationships in Internet of Things systems (e.g. Fitbit, Jawbone UP, Nest, SmartThings, Glooko), I have uncovered some best practice recommendations when it comes to inspiring trust within your interface.
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