Part 1 of my final evaluation. This entry outlines key decisions that I made regarding accessibility towards the end of the development period. I am writing and publishing it retroactively as it as represents a very large amount of thinking and work, which I kept notes about as I went along.
19 Jan, 2017
\[caption id="attachment\_381" align="alignright" width="288"\]\[/caption\] Altering the Flickity Carousel/Timeline So changing the height of the Flickity carousel used for the patient timeline meant that the “dot” buttons had to be moved upwards otherwise they would be off the bottom of the visible area on most standard screen sizes. For reference, I have included a long screenshot that I made of the site prior to this work, on the right. So I decided that the dots should reside on-top of the carousel and then they would also be spatially connected to the navigation of the timeline. This is not really how Flickity carousels are really designed to exist (metafizzy, 2016), but it is closer to the original inspiration for my site the DuckDuckGo about page (DuckDuckGo, 2014). The main issue that I ran into was that the carousel needed to resize itself dynamically and I had media queries which hid the dots on mobile devices (as they were no longer very useful as buttons at that size). However, as the dots themselves are rendered automatically by the JavaScript, they were rendering much more quickly than the resizing. So I upon sizing-up a responsive browser window the dots and timeline appeared on top of everything and looked awful. I tried everything I could think of to fix this issue. I attempted to delay the dots in the JavaScript. I also tried writing a script which watched for the window size. I tried positioning the dots so that they moved upwards. I also tried creating condition code which watched for various conditions to be met prior to triggering the dots. Things I wrote worked to an extent, but not sufficiently or reliably enough to depend on them. In the end I had to temporarily hide the dots by setting them and the timeline to ‘display: none’. I also had to hide the spot where they generated by moving the about section upwards. Essentially the solution’s analogue equivalent is that the rabbit is being hidden in a compartment of the hat the whole time (oh wait…is that how they do it?). Performance Issues I am actually grateful that all of this happened as once I had cracked the rendering issue I realised that there were some major performance issues with the carousel/timeline. It took a bit of time to get to the bottom of it, but in the end I realised that it was the long svg that I had included to indicate the patient’s anxiety levels. Through testing in multiple browsers, on Mac, PC and mobile I realised that the image also wasn’t loading anywhere other than in Chrome for Mac. Everywhere it was just gumming up the works. I reassessed the need for the anxiety level gauge/image and decided that it was important to keep it. So through trial and error I ended up loading with an image tag in the html as a very, very long svg. This is the only svg in the site that I could not optimise as it resulted in optimisation errors because it was too long dimensions-wise. Also, I realised that I did not really want to optimise it as I would result in losing the drop shadow detail which I had added to a new version of the design.
16 Jan, 2017
This journal entry represents a mammoth effort to add high-quality content to the site. I developed and added the patient story. This was based on a characteristics list which I worked through rather vigorously on the afternoon of the 25th. This is still in handwritten form, so I will link to it as a google doc later on. I have included some key references for that process below. I want to highlight the National Joint Registry (2016) data, which was particularly helpful during the process of defining the patient story. Also the specific images that I used will be cited on the portfolio site (including cc0 works; royalty-free works) as I feel it is always very important to include the provenance of images in any context, but especially when engaging in a thought process based on a fictional patient/nurse interaction.
2 Jan, 2017
I have been plugging away at the portfolio site with the primary aim of getting a semi-functional prototype version to Dr. Theo Fotis on Monday 12th of December. There is a still a huge amount of stuff to do, fix-up and streamline I will add these tasks to my Trello board. This journal entry provides a rundown of the decisions that I have this week.
11 Dec, 2016
This week I completed some major fix-up on my grid. Remember when I thought that it was almost fixed? Well I was wrong. In fact I ended up recalculating the whole thing and basing it on a single column being 65px or 6.5% in width. Happily it is now working exactly as I need it to (Mozilla Developer Network saved the day again - I am going to up my donation this year).
8 Dec, 2016
After a lot of consideration, struggle and annoyance I finally gave in and decided to use a pre-existing tool for the timeline section of my front page. I looked a few different contenders in this final pass. Essentially, I came to the realisation that I would not be able to learn the requisite Javascript in order to build something sophisticated enough from scratch. I did a bit of trying out in this jsFiddle project, but kept running into deadends (this project is in a partially built state - so please do not judge me - the javascript is largely erased by this point): Initially I found only jQuery examples - but as I have previously stated, I really wanted to work with Vanilla Javascript, due to load times, future proofing the code content. I also feel that it will be more beneficial to my learning to stick to learning Vanilla Javascript (or rather Ecmascript 6) so that I truly get the language prior to becoming too invested in specific frameworks. Also having looked at these two resources: jQuery vs. Javascript gist and then the From jQuery to Javascript: A Reference - vanilla makes much more sense to me.
25 Nov, 2016
\[caption id="attachment\_200" align="alignnone" width="919"\]\[/caption\]\[caption id="attachment\_202" align="alignnone" width="613"\]\[/caption\] Just putting these calculations here for future reference. Columns: Columns = 12 Gutter = 15px Rows: Rows = 12 Gutter = 15px Margins: Top = 10px Left = 20px Bottom = 10px Right = 20px
22 Nov, 2016
\[caption id="attachment\_186" align="alignnone" width="840"\]\[/caption\]\[caption id="attachment\_187" align="alignnone" width="840"\]\[/caption\]\[caption id="attachment\_188" align="alignnone" width="840"\]\[/caption\]\[caption id="attachment\_189" align="alignnone" width="840"\]\[/caption\] The new iteration of the design seemed cleaner and more focused in the sense that any page visitor would be immediately be shown the patient’s story as an interactive narrative. However, this also meant that all my prior work on the smooth scrolling was for naught. I did try to see if I could tweak it to go from left-to-right or rather back and forth, but that was a futile effort. A related attempt at this was to look at transition whether I could build the timeline itself in CSS by creating a for the line itself and a for the timeline circles but adding them as squares and then using the border-radius at 100% made them into circle. As you can see from the video below, this is ended in a vomit-inducing interface.
20 Nov, 2016
\[caption id="attachment\_179" align="alignnone" width="515"\]\[/caption\]\[caption id="attachment\_182" align="alignnone" width="335"\]\[/caption\]References Schoeffel, S. (2011, November 9). Establishing your grid in Photoshop – smashing magazine. Retrieved November 27, 2016, from Graphics,
18 Nov, 2016
\[caption id="attachment\_172" align="alignnone" width="698"\]\[/caption\]References Drewniak, J. (2014, November 6). Creating your own CSS grid system. Retrieved November 25, 2016, from Gamache, D. A dead simple, responsive boilerplate. Retrieved November 25, 2016, from H5bp/html5-boilerplate. (2016, November 17). Retrieved November 25, 2016, from
18 Nov, 2016