Talk presented at UX Camp Brighton 2016 - Redux on 14/06/16 at 68 Middle Street See original blog post for the version of this talk given at UX Camp Brighton, 2016 (19/03/16). Video version of original talk.FACTORS OF TRUST IN IOT APP INTERFACES from Fiona MacNeill on Vimeo.
14 Jun, 2016
Fiona MacNeill - inspired by J.J.Corbett, Animation and Design Coordinator for The Adjustment Bureau (2011) Introduction Recently I was asked to present at the Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group (MELSIG) event hosted by the University of Sussex. MELSIG is a special interest group originally formed in 2008 (MELSIG, 2014). The group’s focus has evolved, alongside contemporary developments in technology, to include investigation of a wide variety of digital media when applied to the support of learning and teaching. The theme for the University of Sussex event was Digital Media Interaction and Inclusivity and this was exactly the prompt I needed to engage in more thorough research of in-app adjustment functions which has been preoccupation of mine for a while.
7 Sep, 2014