Originally posted on the eLearning Team Blog on 05/07/21 as part of my role at University of Brighton. A crowdsourced blog post and reflection Back on the 15th of June I facilitated an open discussion as part of Jisc’s Connect More 2021 programme. The discussion, entitled, ‘What makes an online space inclusive?’ invited audience members to reflect on their own experiences in online spaces and their own practice facilitating online lessons, meetings, and events.
5 Jul, 2021
Reflecting on designing a watch party for UX Brighton Watch the UX Brighton watch party for yourself using this playlist on YouTube (took place on 13th April 2021) Look at the schedule and information for the event which was provided as a Google Doc Visit the Mural board that I used to guide my design and then reflect on my experiences Check out the video bingo mini challenge (H5P interactive activity) Edited Vlog Transcript Hi folks, I know it’s been a while. So, yeah basically what I can say is I’ve had a couple of really paperwork intensive months. I ran a watch party for UX Brighton because I presented about a few of the challenges I’d found through working on some discovery at my workplace. The suggestion was that perhaps we could do a UX Brighton watch party and that might provide me with an opportunity to experiment to try out some things that I couldn’t try out at work and to get some really helpful critical feedback. So, I’m really delighted to say that I got that opportunity because I really did get amazing feedback and I have since used the learning that I gained from that particular watch party to feed into my professional portfolio, and I’ve also used it to think really critically about how I talk to staff about watch parties how I encourage them to onboard people during watch parties.
4 Jul, 2021